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How one may convey to society the essence of equality, justice, and freedom of expression?

Perhaps by enlightening them and realizing the demographic and statistics of inequity, unfairness, and sexual offenses against women. The Chronolion pavilion represents the chronology of discrimination and sexual offenses against women in South Africa as the design elevation and brings the characteristics and tradition of native women as the design elements to empower and protect which is essential for all women in the world.

The pavilion is elevated according to the 2006-2020 demographic data with seven purposes of spaces. Stairs are considered to connect each space and the number of steps will indicate the statistics of how women in the society of South Africa felt unsafe, frightened, and oppressed during the timeline. The semi-transparent white steel grid system will allow the users to interpret the space according to their own needs, and encourages future changes, flexible use of spaces, and internal transformation. The Scarf fabric is considered a design element to provide protection, to improve self-esteem, and confidence as the scarf they wear for many years in South Africa on either head or shoulder.

This pavilion is designed to convey education which is the barrier between discrimination and empowerment and to raise awareness of the issues that women in South Africa faced in society through the timeline.

Project Theme: Chronology, Timeline

Project Year: 2021

Project Categories: Competition

Project Type: Women Pavilion

Team: Wai Yan Oo, Kyal Sin Moe, Moe Theingi, Su Su Sint

Award: Honorable Mention

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